We make class announcements on this page and it is a quick way to get any information you may need.
- School starts promptly at 8:00 a.m. Students should not arrive earlier than 7:45 a.m.
- Students will come straight to the North Auditorium door when they get to school. This is where they will get their temperatures checked. Due to COVID precautions, parents may not enter the building with the exception of the first two days of school where they may walk their child to the classroom door if the parent wears a mask.
- Students who arrive late, must check in at the office.
- School is dismissed at 3:20 p.m. If you are picking your child up after school, the pick up area for 1st grade is at the North Auditorium door.
- Bus riders will be REQUIRED TO WEAR A MASK before loading the bus and will have an assigned seat on the bus.
- If you need to pick your child up early, you will need to check them out through the elementary office.
- If there is a transportation change for your child, please call the office to make that change. Do not rely on your child to verbally give us the message.
- This year, 1st grade will have a designated breakfast time after school begins that we will all go eat together in the cafeteria.
- We will have lunch in the cafeteria as well.
- Unfortunately, parents and guests will not be allowed to eat breakfast or lunch with students for the time being
- Every child must have a water bottle for the classroom. This bottle cannot be taller than 9 inches and must have a lid that closes. We plan on sending these bottles home each day to be washed. Please do not send water bottles with anything in them in students’ backpacks. We are going to fill them at school to avoid spilling anything in backpacks.
- 1st grade will have a snack time every afternoon. We will provide snacks for the first few days and will send a snack calendar home for later. When providing snacks, do not send drinks as we will use our water bottles for this.
- Students will bring home a plastic homework folder every night except Friday.
- The weekly class newsletter will be inside the homework folder where it should remain all week and must be signed daily.
- Students are responsible for packing their folder correctly (newsletter must face out the back of the folder). DO NOT pack their folder for them!! They need to learn how to be responsible and this is just one of the ways we do this.
- Students will have homework every night, but this homework should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete. If it is taking your child longer to complete or they are having a difficult time understanding any of the work, please let their teacher know ASAP so adjustments can be made.
- Our class has a website where students can find study information for weekly lessons, links to educational websites, and contact information for teachers. The address is -
- Parents can also join the Howe 1st Grade facebook page at:
We make class announcements on this page and it is a quick way to get any information you may need.
- Every first grade student will have their own laptop to use in the classroom. These laptops will be available for take home use as well. Parents will be required to sign up for their child to have take home privileges.
- We cannot stress enough how much tardies and absences impact students in 1st grade. Please make every effort to have your child at school on time, avoid picking them up early, and try to avoid absences unless they are absolutely necessary.